One of our biggest visions is to, make Wellness a standard for as many people as possible.
The CM Wellness App is a tool that is user friendly, simple and practical that helps achieve overall wellness goals.
We have a range of different users on the app and they have all had benefits & made great progress with their wellness including:
The app is for everyone, as it personalised to the individual and provides basic wellness that helps with everyday living.
The app records achievements and progress for the user, as well as records detailed data reports through the back end for reporting to the NDIS, families and companies. The reports are analysed and track trends, habits and progressions.
The CM Wellness app is $297. The cost includes a consultation, individualised program and 12 months access to the app. It can be self, plan or NDIA funded.
NDIS REGISTERED – CB Daily Activity, Core or Assisted Technology.